Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(And then some)

What domain name should I choose?
The choice of domain name depends on how you plan to use it. In most cases, it makes sense to choose one that is easy to pronounce and spell if you will be telling people about it over the phone. Above all, you should choose a name that is memorable and not confusing.

How long will it take for my website to be designed?
The time it takes to build a site depends on the complexity of the site. If you have a deadline, we will work hard to meet it. The most common cause of delay is the content (text/images) from the client.

Will we need to have a meeting to discuss the website design?
Most of the time, a meeting isn’t necessary and the work is completed with only discussions over phone and email. We upload our work to private websites that only clients can access. We then work with you to discuss the site and review changes. The site isn’t made available to the public until it looks and works exactly as you wish.

How much will a website cost me?
The cost of a website varies depends on its complexity, but generally our WordPress website designs start at $4,000, and Wix/Squarespace designs start at $2,500. We are happy to discuss your requirements and provide a quote after a discovery session.

Once my website design is completed, what after-sales service do you offer?
We fully support any website we design and are always available should you encounter any problems or require new enhancements. Tinydragon Bytes also offers website hosting and maintenance.

Do I have to keep my website with you forever? Can I move it to another provider?
Although it is usually better to keep your website with us as we likely designed and developed it, you may move your site to another Web hosting service at any time.

What photo, graphics and text formats should I use for my new website?
Please provide all text, photos and graphics in electronic form. For example, the output from a digital camera, Microsoft Word or a digital scanner. If this is not possible, we can help get your information ready for the website. We partner with KTP Brand Studio for branding, logos, and brand photography.

Will my website design be search-engine friendly?
All our websites are created with search engines in mind, and all designs are compliant with search engine guidelines. It is a good idea for your website to be re-evaluated from time to time as search engines do alter their rules and algorithms. This will ensure that your site is up to date and compliant with new rules.


I run a small- or medium-sized business and want an online presence to promote my business. What’s the first step?
You need a domain name, a Web server, and a professionally developed website. You also need the website to be uploaded to your host and promoted to search engines. Tinydragon Bytes can help you with all aspects of getting a website up and running.

Are there hidden costs with Web design services?
No. We discuss your website requirements and price accordingly. Once you have placed your order with us, we will adhere to our quoted price.

How do I update my website?
There are many different ways to update websites. The method you choose and the functionality we build into your design is solely up to you.

If you have a small website of just a few pages and will only wish to make changes very infrequently, then usually it is more cost effective simply to ask Tinydragon Bytes to carry out these changes for you. Additionally, we offer Website Care Plans for clients who have had their design done with us.

Will everyone see my website the same way?
Your visitors will see some things differently depending on their browser, screen resolution settings and their computers. We design sites with that in mind and preview them in several browsers and resolution settings before publishing. As technology evolves, all websites need to be re-evaluated.


Can you provide Web design and hosting services?
Yes, Tinydragon Bytes is a one-stop shop. You do not have to worry about who to call if you have problems. Tinydragon Bytes can take care of everything from registering your domain name and designing your site to building it and maintaining it for years to come.

What is the difference between a static site and a dynamic site?
Static Web pages always look the same and the content rarely changes. To make a change, you must create the page yourself or request a Web designer to do it for you. The newly created page and any images must then be uploaded to the Web servers.

Dynamic pages are the opposite. They can change every time they are loaded (without anyone having to make those changes), and they can even change their content based on what your website visitors do.

The dynamic page can be created to respond to information entered by your site’s visitor. They usually store and pull information from an underlying database.

Dynamic sites can reduce ongoing maintenance costs if you don’t want to change things yourself with a Web page editor. They usually cost more to develop, as they require more complex coding. A content management utility also needs to be developed to help you manage your site.

Many clients have a combination of dynamic and static elements in their sites. For instance, they might use dynamic pages for a product catalog where they have to change information or pictures regularly. The “Contact” and “About Us” pages are often left as static pages.

How many pages can I have on my website?
You can have as many pages as you’d like. In fact, the more the better from a search engine’s point of view!

I already have a website and it needs updating. Can you help me?
Yes. We are happy to look at your existing site and give you a quote for updating it, after a discovery session.

Do you redesign existing websites?
Yes. We can redesign existing sites and retain your organization’s style or give you a completely new look. Tinydragon Bytes also can provide a website evaluation. We will show you how your site can take advantage of the latest Web technologies.

Will I find my website on the search engines?
Yes. We always design websites to be search-engine friendly.